Suprapubic  Catheterization-Cystofix® dilation replacement dilation
catheters-Cystofix® Ballon Catheters CH10-CH16
balloon deflated-Cystofix® Ballon Catheters CH10-CH20
Suprapubic  Catheterization-Cystofix® dilation replacement dilation
balloon deflated-Cystofix® Ballon Catheters CH10-CH20
balloon deflated-Cystofix® Ballon Catheters CH10-CH20
Suprapubic  Catheterization-Cystofix® dilation replacement dilation
Suprapubic  Catheterization-Cystofix® 3 dilators
balloon deflated-Cystofix® Ballon Catheters CH10-CH20
Suprapubic Catheterization CH12-Cystofix® replacement set w/o guidewire
Suprapubic Catheterization CH12-Cystofix® replacement with guidewire
Macro balloon deflated-Cystofix® Balloon Catheter
Packaging-Cystofix® packaging
Macro balloon-Cystofix® Balloon Catheter
picture without background-Cystofix® SG dilatation replacement set
Picture without background-Cystofix® 3 dilators
picture without background-Cystofix® SG dilatation replacement set
Packaging-Cystofix® packaging
Packaging-Cystofix® Exchange Set Packaging
Macro balloon picture without background-Cystofix® Balloon Catheter deflated

Cystofix® Exchange Sets
Cystofix® Exchange Set : Suprapubic exchange set

The Cystofix® Exchange Set product comprises a sterile, single use, exchange set for suprapubic bladder drainage.

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The Cystofix® Exchange Set product comprises a sterile, single use, exchange set for suprapubic bladder drainage.