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  • Challenger Ti-P / Ti

Challenger Ti-P / Ti
Combination of a reusable multi-fire clip applier and a single use clip cartridge

Challenger® Ti-P

Pneumatic Reusable Multi-Fire Clip Applier

  • Modular design simplifies disassemby, cleaning, maintenance and sterile preparation
  • Innovative technology - pneumatic clip loading
  • Reliable vessel occlusion
  • Reposable System - reusable applier and single use clip cartridge
  • One System with different shafts

Challenger® Ti

Reusable Multi-Fire Clip Applier

We are offering you two different clip appliers and two clip sizes for various laparoscopic procedures.

  • Modular design simplifies disassembly, cleaning, maintenance and sterile preparation
  • Separate functional elements for clip loading and clip closure

Challenger Ti-P / Ti Ligation-Clips

  • Available in the clip sizes medium-large and small-medium
  • A diamond-shaped inner clip profile provides an enlarged contact surface
  • The special closing characteristic of the clip allows a repositioning of the clip and reduces the risk of tissue slippage out of the clip
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Challenger® Ti-P

Pneumatic Reusable Multi-Fire Clip Applier

  • Modular design simplifies disassemby, cleaning, maintenance and sterile preparation
  • Innovative technology - pneumatic clip loading
  • Reliable vessel occlusion
  • Reposable System - reusable applier and single use clip cartridge
  • One System with different shafts

Challenger® Ti

Reusable Multi-Fire Clip Applier

We are offering you two different clip appliers and two clip sizes for various laparoscopic procedures.

  • Modular design simplifies disassembly, cleaning, maintenance and sterile preparation
  • Separate functional elements for clip loading and clip closure

Challenger Ti-P / Ti Ligation-Clips

  • Available in the clip sizes medium-large and small-medium
  • A diamond-shaped inner clip profile provides an enlarged contact surface
  • The special closing characteristic of the clip allows a repositioning of the clip and reduces the risk of tissue slippage out of the clip