Product Picture Enlargement CW-Right heart catheters

Right Heart Catheter
Corodyn right heart catheters for the measurement of haemodynmic pressure

Right heart catheter for hemodynamic pressure measurement and for measuring cardiac output.

Productline Corodyn

  • Corodyn P1 (balloon flood catheter with distal lumen)
  • Corodyn P2 (balloon float catheter with two lumens for simultaneous pressure measurement or infusion and medication administration)
  • Corodyn TD (four-lumen thermodilution catheter with one lumen for pressure measurement, one lumen for cold bolus delivery, thermistor and balloon lumen)
  • Corodyn TDI (five-lumen thermodilution catheter with an additional lumen for simultaneous pressure measurement or infusion and medication administration)
  • Corodyn touch free (catheter with pre-assembled "touch free" protective film tube)

Features Corodyn P and TD

  • Catheter length 110 cm
  • Markings every 100 mm from the catheter tip for exact catheter positioning
  • Made from PUR
  • Different sizes (5 F - 7.5 F) available

Features Corodyn TD und TDI

  • Thermodilution catheter for measuring cardiac output
  • Thermistor 3.5 cm from the catheter tip
  • 3-pin Special plug for connection to all standard computers and patient monitors
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Right heart catheter for hemodynamic pressure measurement and for measuring cardiac output.

Productline Corodyn

  • Corodyn P1 (balloon flood catheter with distal lumen)
  • Corodyn P2 (balloon float catheter with two lumens for simultaneous pressure measurement or infusion and medication administration)
  • Corodyn TD (four-lumen thermodilution catheter with one lumen for pressure measurement, one lumen for cold bolus delivery, thermistor and balloon lumen)
  • Corodyn TDI (five-lumen thermodilution catheter with an additional lumen for simultaneous pressure measurement or infusion and medication administration)
  • Corodyn touch free (catheter with pre-assembled "touch free" protective film tube)

Features Corodyn P and TD

  • Catheter length 110 cm
  • Markings every 100 mm from the catheter tip for exact catheter positioning
  • Made from PUR
  • Different sizes (5 F - 7.5 F) available

Features Corodyn TD und TDI

  • Thermodilution catheter for measuring cardiac output
  • Thermistor 3.5 cm from the catheter tip
  • 3-pin Special plug for connection to all standard computers and patient monitors