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Aesculap Reset®
System to reduce instrumentation and storage volume in the hospital

Aesculap Reset® is an intelligent improvement of the Aesculap OrthoTray® configuration. All size-specific instruments are packed such that only the sizes desired by the surgeon are used. Thus, the instrument and tray volumes in the entire instrument cycle are reduced by up to 50 %. Aesculap facilitates, as size-specific storage and washing system, the work of all the participants in the entire process.

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Aesculap Reset® is an intelligent improvement of the Aesculap OrthoTray® configuration. All size-specific instruments are packed such that only the sizes desired by the surgeon are used. Thus, the instrument and tray volumes in the entire instrument cycle are reduced by up to 50 %. Aesculap facilitates, as size-specific storage and washing system, the work of all the participants in the entire process.